Summer 2022 Convening
On August 16, 2022, the CCEE, CDE, and SBE hosted the Summer Program Evaluation Convening. This session was the first of the ongoing bi-annual convenings that brings together program evaluation teams identified to support statewide evaluations.
Preliminary Framing Questions
How can the evaluation information be used to understand changes in educator practice?
What are the recommended approaches to measuring the impacts of statewide investments on student outcomes?
In what ways can the interim reporting be used to inform other statewide programs that are part of a suite of whole child investments (e.g., community schools, expanded learning, and universal PK)?
Session Outcomes
Panel 1: Continuing evaluation teams will receive feedback and recommendations to support their ability to remain on track and/or modify their plans as they move towards summative evaluations.
These evaluations will measure processes and outcomes that align with proposed logic models and demonstrate changes in educator practice that impacts student outcomes
Panel 2: Newly developed evaluation teams will receive feedback and recommendations to support their ability to successfully launch their evaluation projects.
These evaluations will develop logic models that guide the measurement of the professional learning impact and show the value-add for statewide investments